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Liberal Democracy In Peril (Todd Olson &Gjalt Smit) – US

This book presents a range of voices and views on the troubled state of liberal democracy in the US and in Europe today. The two authors bring differing perspectives to bear, one from an American educator and the other from a European tech executive. Their common goal is to illuminate where we stand today, and what steps might strengthen, and perhaps save, liberal democracy as we go forward. The voices here include the two authors, the more than two dozen people we interviewed in the US and Europe, and some remarkable university students. Each voice has something distinctive to contribute.

Part One: Where We Stand by Todd A. Olson: We consider the central role of education in revitalizing democracy, with an emphasis on US higher education. This includes a look at the context of turbulence in which education is happening today, the particular roles of student affairs, the place of institutional mission, and the role of creative tensions in sharpening our understanding.

Part Two: Where We Must Go by Gjalt R. Smit: We discuss the dynamics currently driving liberal democracy into a ‘free fall’. From our understanding of the social processes at work, we derive the actions needed to restore liberal democracy. We explore the role of mindsets, the impact of technology, and the need for effective institutions. The importance of private initiatives in restoring liberal democracy is emphasized. This should concentrate on the US, which has the unique “DNA” for transforming its society. Actions are proposed to reconnect Americans with their democratic roots and open-minded values.


Special quotes: 

James Ranaivoson is an expert in both international financial markets and environmental conservation management.

Now retired after 10 years spent financing projects focused on environmental protection and the fight against climate change and 25 years as a financial asset manager and treasurer of multilateral financial institutions, James devotes himself today in Madagascar where he serves as an administrator of foundations and venture capital funds but also as an advisor to Malagasy companies in their international fundraising.

James has a post-graduate degree in environmental management, finance, economics and mathematics respectively.


Comments about democracy (by James Ranaivoson): Follow this link

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